Windows Media Resampler |
47 |
RGSS104E.dll |
N/A |
12 |
RGSS301.dll |
RGSS3 Core |
10 |
rld.dll |
N/A |
10 |
RpcRtRemote.dll |
Remote RPC Extension |
9 |
rockalldll.dll |
Rockall Heap Manager DLL |
7 |
RstrtMgr.dll |
Restart Manager |
5 |
rapi.dll |
Mobile Device Remote API |
4 |
Visual Basic Setup Toolkit Library DLL |
4 |
RGSS202E.dll |
RGSS2 Core |
4 |
RGSS202J.dll |
RGSS2 Core |
4 |
regex2.dll |
Libregex: searches for and matches text strings |
3 |
rgss102e.dll |
N/A |
3 |
Rockey2.dll |
N/A |
3 |
rw_data.dll |
N/A |
3 |
rdvgumd32.dll |
Microsoft RemoteFX Virtual GPU |
2 |
rmoc3260.dll |
Real Player(tm) ActiveX Control |
2 |
rpshell.dll |
RealPlayer Shell Extensions |
2 |
Rtmmvras.dll |
Microsoft Real Time Media Office AirSpace Video Renderer |
2 |
RTWorkQ.dll |
Realtime WorkQueue DLL |
2 |
rasadhlp.dll |
Remote Access AutoDial Helper |
1 |
rasmontr.dll |
DLL-fil för fjärråtkomstövervakaren (RAS) |
1 |
recovery.dll |
Recovery Control Panel |
1 |
regapi.dll |
Registry Configuration APIs |
1 |
rfxvmt.dll |
Microsoft RemoteFX VM Transport |
1 |
RGSS200J.dll |
RGSS2 Core |
1 |
RGSS300.dll |
RGSS3 Core |
1 |
riched32.dll |
Wrapper Dll for Richedit 1.0 |
1 |
rlmfc.dll |
N/A |
1 |
RPC TCP/IP Server Interface DLL |
1 |
rsaenh.dll |
Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider |
1 |
RSManager.dll |
Citrix RS Manager DLL |
1 |
Ra32.dll |
Core Support Library for RealAudio® |
0 |
RacEngn.dll |
Reliability analysis metrics calculation engine |
0 |
racpldlg.dll |
Microsoft Fjärrhjälp |
0 |
RacWmiProv.dll |
Reliability Metrics WMI Provider |
0 |
radardt.dll |
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Detector |
0 |
radarrs.dll |
Microsoft Windows Resource Exhaustion Resolver |
0 |
RADCUI.dll |
RemoteApp and Desktop Connection UI Component |
0 |
rads.dll |
N/A |
0 |
Ragui32.dll |
High-level Support Library for RealAudio® |
0 |
rapilib.dll |
RSVP Libary 1.0 DLL |
0 |
RarExt.dll |
N/A |
0 |
Rasapi16.dll |
N/A |
0 |
rasapi32.dll |
Remote Access API |
0 |
rasauto.dll |
Remote Access AutoDial Manager |
0 |
rascfg.dll |
RAS Configuration Objects |
0 |
raschap.dll |
Remote Access PPP CHAP |
0 |
raschapext.dll |
Windows Extension library for raschap |
0 |
rasctrs.dll |
Windows NT Remote Access Perfmon Counter dll |
0 |